Welcome to the Cre'at Club


Hello little kiddies, I'm the guest Editor for the Cre'at Club.
You may know me from such sites as Spanky's Bungalow and Pet Preserving Review.
I know you will enjoy your time here, so be sure to tell all your friends about us.
Cre'at Club Rules
- The First Rule of Cre'at Club is: Never talk about the Hamburglar.
- The Second Rule of Cre'at Club is: Never talk about the Hamburglar.
Staggering Stories
- Sid the Ping Pong Ball Meets the Phantom Photocopier.
- Mr. Dalek Goes for a Glide.
- Mr. Dalek Web Cam.
- Mr. Dalek Discovers the True Meaning of Christmas
- Mr. Dalek's Roman Holiday
- The Night Before Christmas with Mr Dalek
- The Dalek Races!
- The Doctor's Head Goes for a Roll
- Mr. Dalek Invades Trumptonshire
- The Saga Of The Miraculous Mr. Dalek
- The Dalek Races 2!
- Mr. Dalek at the Eurovision Song Contest
- Mr. Dalek and the Year of the Gap
- Mr. Dalek and the Amiable Assassin
- The Search for Mr. Dalek
- Mr. Dalek and the Betrayal of Trust
- Mr. Dalek: A Day in the Dalek
- Mr. Dalek: The 23rd of November
- Mr. Dalek Robs a Bank
- Mr. Dalek and the Attack of the Teletubbies
- Mr. Dalek Invades Gallifrey
- The Year Mr. Dalek Stole Santa Claus
- Being Evil: Kendra the Gelth
- Chief Inspector Grey-um: The Dead of Lower Futon
- Chief Inspector Grey-um: Last Seen Puzzling
Fun Activities!
- The Cre'at Theme Tune
- Sing along to the Cre'at & Co. mp3!
- Dress Cre'at Cut-Outs
- Can you help Cre'at disguise himself?
- Trivial Game (and Paranoid Pursuit)
- Quiz yourself senseless with this Trivial Game (and Paranoid Pursuit)!
- The Head of Pertwee Performs
- Bop along to the Who is the Doctor music video!
- The Head of Pertwee: Rejuvenation
- To the Doctor Who set for Rejuvenation.
- Cre'at Throwing Shapes Screen Saver
- Amaze your eyes at Cre'at Throwing Shapes in this screen saver!
- Staggering Stories Card Game
- Trump your friends with this stupendous card game!
- Put a Face to the Sound
- Try to match the weird face with the weirder sound!
- Mr. Dalek & The Doctor's Head Web Cams
- The poor little toy has got himself stuck, watch Mr Dalek try to get upright again.
- The disembodied Timelord is stuck on a pole, watch The Doctor's Head try to escape.
- The Fanboy's Guide to Mornington Crescent
- Get into a 'Rose Hills loop' with the Doctor Who Edition.
- Staggering Stories Podcast: The Drinking Game
- Return to your childish ways and get drunk with style! Yes, it's a drinking game!
Staggering Stories Podcast Drinking Game, First Edition.
Staggering Stories Podcast Drinking Game, Second Edition.
Staggering Stories Podcast Drinking Game, Third Edition.
Staggering Stories Podcast Drinking Game, Fourth Edition.
Staggering Stories Podcast Drinking Game, Fifth Edition. - Keith Dunn Looks Like...
- Spot the difference between these mug shots of the man with a million faces.
- Stereograms
- Eye the magic of these dazzling stereograms.
- The Staggering Puzzle
- Make a picture with this jazzy jigsaw.
- Babylon Snap
- Save the world from the Mr. Morden clones in the spiffing Babylon Snap.
- Word Games
- Find the hidden names in this wonderous Word Search.